Nocona, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're thinking of buying a house in Nocona, you may want to know its population and street statistics. The town of Nocona is located in the state of Texas. There are two main banks in the town. The first one is Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, while the second bank is Legend Bank, N.A. Both of these banks are located in the center of town.

Nocona City is situated along U.S. Highway 82 and State Highway 175. It is located in Montague County. In June 2012, Nocona City was featured in Texas Highways magazine. The city has a population of around 2,000 people. In addition to this, it's home to more than a thousand businesses. Those who live in Nocona are largely employed in the local oil and gas industry.

In Nocona, there are about 42% of households with a single-parent household. This is lower than the national average. The highest percentage of single people in Nocona is in Leon, with a percent of 70%. As a whole, Nocona is 18.4% smaller than the national average. Despite its size, no other Texas city has as many households as Nocona.

Nocona has great weather and stunning scenery. While there are many attractions in Nocona, the Tales & Trails Museum is a great place to visit. It is home to five galleries that focus on the town's history. In addition, the museum also offers a variety of classes. For instance, if you're looking for a place to learn about the history of the town, you can visit the Tales & Trails Museum.