Neches, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and stats of Neches City, Texas, you will have to visit the state's historical archive in Austin. This is the best place to find historical information about the city. You can also find maps and other maps related to the city. Here are some interesting facts about Neches City, Texas. Just like many other Texas cities, Neches City is also home to the Neches River.

The city was founded in 1866 and is located in Anderson County. In 1884, the population was estimated at one hundred people. By 1884, the town had two cotton gins and a hotel. The International-Great Northern Railroad passed through Neches in 1872. In the same year, J.J. Davis and Murdock McDonald donated land for the town's expansion and train station. The Neches Independent School District serves the city. The Neches High School Tigers are among the local sports teams.

Port Neches, Texas, is an excellent place for anyone looking for a new home. The city has a world-class school district and a friendly atmosphere. People love living in Port Neches, Texas because of the small town feel and sense of community. So, whether you're looking for a new home or just looking for a great place to live, you'll be happy here.