Moran, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This report reveals the Population & Steets in Morgan City, Louisiana. It is the fourth-highest city in Louisiana. In Morgan City, Louisiana, the median home value is $132,400, which is 0.601% less than the national average. Approximately 99% of Morgan City, LA residents are employed, and the unemployment rate is 10.4% for the population aged 16 and over.

According to the 2010 census, Morgan City had a population of 10,742 residents, a figure that is up almost 35% since 2010. It is now the 2,927th largest city in the United States, and is located in St Martin and St Mary Parish. The city has a total area of 6.0 square miles, and is home to approximately 8,231 voters. Residents are primarily white and a majority of residents are cisgender or non-cisgender. A total of 11.6% of the population is hispanic or a non-citizen.

The median household income in Morgan City, LA varies depending on the census tract. In 2019, Census Tracts 210 and 402 had the highest median house-to-person income. In contrast, Census Tract 404 had the lowest median household-to-person income. In Morgan City, LA, 19.6% of the population lives in poverty, which is higher than the national average of 12.3%. The highest median household income is $60221 and the largest proportion of people living in poverty is male.