Megargel, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Megargel, AL is in Jefferson County, Alabama. To get a feel for the population, see the city's population and steets. It's also useful to know what's close to Megargel. You can also find cities close to Megargel, AL. If you want to learn more about the city, read on! Also, see if there are any notable landmarks in the area.

Megargel is a small town located 15 miles south of the Oklahoma border. It's climate varies by season, with the driest months of April and May being the coldest. The town was originally an agricultural center named for its waterfall, but was blasted into the oil industry during the 1930s. There's also a four-year college and small Air Force base in Megargel. The population of Megargel is currently 189, but has dropped by 33.0% since the year 2020.

According to the United States Census Bureau, there are 149 people of voting age in Megargel. These are males 58.4% and females 41.6%. There's an extremely low poverty rate - just 17.5%. There's also a very low crime rate in Megargel, Texas, which is good for those who are struggling financially. The city is also served by the Olney Independent School District.