Marble Falls, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Marble Springs City, Texas? The city has 2,486 households with an average size of 2.41 people. The highest employment sector is retail trade, which employs 1,909 people. Other major industries include health care and social assistance, accommodation and food services, and educational services, but not public administration. The fourth-largest industry is wholesale trade, which employs 1,377 people.

The median property value in Marble Falls, TX is $191,600, which is 0.797 times lower than the national average. The homeownership rate is 44.3%, lower than the national average of 64.1%. The median housing price in Marble Falls, TX is $151,200. The median commuting time for Marble Falls, TX is 12.4 minutes. There are approximately 1.6k residents working in health care and social assistance, with another 600 people employed in food preparation and serving.

The falls themselves were used by travelers as early as 1817. They were known as "marble falls" and "great falls" before being named. In 1854, Charles S. Todd attempted to establish a town at Marble Falls. However, his village was not very successful. Todd's land was eventually sold for taxes. In the 1880s, Adam Rankin Johnson also sought to build a city in Marble Falls.

The population of Marble Falls is estimated to be 7,038 in 2019. The city's economy is largely based on education, government, and retail. While the city has a moderate revenue volatility, it retains substantial revenue raising capacity. It is located in the Highland Lakes, which are the largest chain of lakes in Texas. You can get here from any of the three counties in Marble Falls. When you visit, be sure to visit the area.