Malone, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning to visit Malone City, NY, here is some information you should know. Malone, NY, is a town located in Sullivan County, NY, which is part of the Capital Region of New York. Listed below is a list of the major cities in the area. These cities are useful if you want to book a flight between the airports in those cities. These cities are also within 50 miles of Malone, NY.

Most of the people in Malone, NY are citizens of the United States and have a high school education. It is estimated that 99.7% of the Malone residents drive alone to work. There are 5.66k people living in Malone. The median household income is $33,370 and the average household income is $45,823.

The most common occupations in Malone are in Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Public Administration. Only 28% of the residents hold degrees in these fields. The other 54% are in white-collar roles. In addition, the city has two Medal of Honor recipients - Frank Tolan and Charles L. Russell. The median household income and house value are significantly below the state averages, as well as the percentages of blacks, Hispanics, and foreign-born people. The number of college students in Malone County is significantly below the state average.