Lumberton, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the current Population & Steets in Lumberston City. These statistics are updated annually. For more information on this city, see our Lumberton City, NC, population data. It is important to know your neighbors' demographics and the type of people living there. You can contact them to find out more about the community. Listed below are the top 3 means of transportation in Lumberton City, NC.

The Lumber River flows through Lumberton. During the early years, the Lumber River served as a logging center and shipping point for lumber. Logging was guided downriver to Georgetown, South Carolina, and the majority of Lumberton's growth came after World War II. In 1787, the North Carolina General Assembly created the City of Lumberton. It was named the county seat in Robeson County and incorporated in 1859.

The population of Lumberton, NC is 7.03k. The primary employment sectors in the city include Manufacturing, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Education. The median property value in the city was $109,800 in 2019. This figure is below the national average of $53,295. Lumberton's homeownership rate is 47.1%, significantly lower than the national average of 64.2%. The average commute time for people living in Lumberton, NC is 18.8 minutes. The average household owns two cars.

Lumberton was the first community in Robeson County to have a Post Office, which grew and expanded over time. Until the 1990s, Lumberton was a prosperous community. Its population has grown by over 100 percent. But the economic climate has changed. Today, more people are working in knowledge-based jobs. Despite its small size, Lumberton is home to several businesses, including a hotel.