Leggett, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in local advertising in Leggett City, North Carolina, you might be wondering what the demographics of the area are. As a small town of 101 residents, Leggett is fairly diverse, with a population of 43% whites, 41% blacks, and 0.3% Asians. Additionally, 7.2% of Leggett's residents reported being of Hispanic ethnicity. You may want to consider the average household income in the city, as this may be a good target audience for your advertising. Similarly, high school graduates are largely educated - 64%, for example.

Rent burden in Leggett is low - only 33.3% of households spend more than 20% of their income on rental housing. This number is lower than the state average of 33.7%, but is higher than neighboring cities like Orick and Manchester. The rent burden in Leggett City is also lower than neighboring cities, with a median rent burden of 10.0% and 18.2%, respectively.

The city's demographics are fairly representative of a suburban town: it is predominantly white, with a high percentage of adults aged between twenty-five and forty-five. There are also several single adults and a small number of families. The proportion of children under 18 is slightly below average, while vacancies are slightly higher. The area is also home to several elementary and high schools. If you're looking for the latest information on Leggett City, CA, you can find it here!