Langtry, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know more about Langtry City, Texas, you can find out more about its population and steets. Langtry City is located in Val Verde County and is a renowned home of Judge Roy Bean, the "Law West of the Pecos". Founded in 1882 by the Southern Pacific Railroad, Langtry was originally called Eagle Nest, but later was named for George Langtry, a Chinese work crew supervisor.

The railroad joined the east and west sections in January 1883, and the Langtry depot provided a steady supply of customers to the town's saloons. In 1884 the town opened its first post office, which further expanded its commercial interests. The Langtry Post Office opened in 1884. According to W. H. Dodd, a former resident and future justice of the peace, Langtry had a population of 150 people in 1892. There were two saloons and Dod's Store. The town's population declined to 50 by the 1920s. Today, the town is home to the Judge Roy Bean Visitor Center.