Lampasas, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets of Lampasas City, Texas. To make this article more accurate, we've included information about the sex breakdown of the city. There are 7,760 people in Lampasas. The average male/female ratio is 47.6%, while the U.S. average is 49.2%.

The highest percent of families is in Kempner, which has a population that is thirty-nine percent larger than Lampasas. Unmarried mothers make up 70.9% of households in Lampasas. Similarly, only a small minority of married couples live in Lampasas. The Lampasas Independent School District serves the city. The city is mentioned in the Texas Women book.

Hispanics make up 26.3% of the population of Lampasas City. This includes both foreign born and native-born residents. In fact, the city's Hispanic population is the largest in Texas. The remaining residents are primarily white and African-American. However, there are some immigrants, including some Asians, who have lived in Lampasas for a number of years.

Statistics about the city's population tell a different story. While the city is not perfect, it is generally safe. Crime statistics for the past ten years show a downward trend, which is consistent with the Texas state and national averages. Lampasas is also more susceptible to earthquakes than the national average, with an average of two per decade. Residents should also check out the number of residential fires, as this provides insight into general property conditions.