Laguna Vista, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Laguna Vista, Texas, has a population of 3.17k people. The majority of residents are U.S. citizens, but approximately 11.3% are foreign-born. The majority of Laguna Vista's population is White (Non-Hispanic), while the second-largest group is Hispanic, making up 1.14k residents. Two-and-one-half (two+)-year-old residents make up 85.

Whether you're searching for a single-family home or a large, apartment complex, the demographics of a neighborhood can give you a good idea of how safe the area is. In Laguna Vista, 78% of homes are owner-occupied and the average household size is 2.2 people. Quality of life is a matter of taste, and some home buyers may want a walkable city life, while others may prefer quiet streets and access to open space.

The median income in Laguna Vista, TX is $52,917 per year, which is less than the median annual income of $64,994 in the U.S. However, Laguna Vista is growing in terms of income, with 52.8% of households claiming it as their primary residence. Laguna Vista has a high proportion of households with broadband internet connections, with 75.0% of homes containing at least one wired and one wireless connection.

The rent burden is a useful metric that shows how much of a household income is spent on renting housing. The rent burden in Laguna Vista is higher than the state's average of 29.3%, and neighboring cities Laredo and Roma have higher rent burdens than Laguna Vista.