La Marque, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the Population & Steets in La marque City? Find out with this helpful guide. La Marque has a population of 14,6% more people than Houston. This makes it one of the most diverse cities in the state of Texas. However, the most interesting part of the city is its racial makeup. Asians make up the largest proportion of residents in La Marque Texas.

Although La Marque is largely white, its population is also very diverse. Thirty-one percent of its population is black. Another 3% is Asian. Less than one percent of the population is American Indian. And a quarter of the population identifies as Hispanic. The city's poverty rate is 13.6%. The city has a child poverty rate of 15.2%. Another 9.7% of residents live below the poverty line, making it a poor place to live.

The population of La Marque city is comprised of Caucasians, Latinos, Asians, and Native Americans. The percentage of residents sixty-nine year olds is the middle-aged age group. The percentage of people sixty-nine year-olds in La Marque is also quite low. This is great news for anyone who wants to move to the city. The demographic breakdown of La Marque is available to anyone who is interested.

The population of La Marque city is approximately thirty thousand people. The foreign-born population is about 16.8% higher than the local average in Texas. The country has the highest percentage of foreign-born residents in the country. The majority of people born in La Marque are Caucasian. The remaining population is made up of Western and South Asian citizens. There are a number of ethnic groups that are represented in the city, including Asians and Western Europeans.