Kenedy, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Kenedy, Texas is approximately 3.38K people. It is located in the greater Houston area. The area has a history of tornado activity and was ranked 9% below the national average. During the 2010 to 2020 time period, there were six tornadoes in the Kenedy area, injuring at least three people and causing between $50,000 and $500K in damage.

There are a variety of characteristics that define the population of Kenedy. Among these is the number of people living in a single-parent household. Kenedy ranks number two for the percentage of married residents. It is also the place with the highest percentage of unmarried residents in the greater Kenedy area. The number of households per household in Kenedy is higher than in nearby towns such as Runge and Nordheim.

The city's population was well-distributed. Only 7.9% of residents were under the age of 18, while 21.3% of the total population was aged 20-34. The area had a low proportion of people under the age of 20, and the largest proportion of people in the area were between the ages of 60-69. Kenedy ranked #3 in the region in terms of population among other cities.

The area surrounding Kenedy City, TX has several large cities. The centers of these cities can be useful for planning road trips, or for booking flights between the two. Alternatively, you can find towns within a hundred miles from Kenedy County, TX. The following list shows the median household income of the town of Kenedy. If you live in the area and are traveling, you'll be happy to know the population and steets of each city within 65 miles.