Highland Haven, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will provide you with some statistics about the population and steets of Highland Haven City, Texas. These statistics should help you better understand the city you live in and the things you can do to make it better. In Highland Haven, the median monthly rent is $1,333.334, and 93.8% of households have an active broadband Internet connection. The poverty rate is 0.00% for full-time workers and 1.67% for part-time workers. Non-working citizens comprise 0.6% of the population and the rest of the population lives in poverty, which is higher than the national average.

The city of Highland Haven is located in southwestern Burnet County along the eastern shore of Lake Lyndon B. Johnson. This city is approximately eighteen miles or 29 km southwest of Burnet and 57 miles from downtown Austin. It is also home to several schools, including Highland Haven High School. The city is home to six parks around the lake, including Dove Park, which has a deluxe boat launch.

There are 226 households in Highland Haven City. Only 8.8% of households have children. The rest are comprised of married couples. Three percent of households have a female householder who is living alone without her husband. Twenty-one percent of households are made up of non-families. Twenty-one percent of households are composed of individuals. One in ten adults is 65 years old or older.