Hideaway, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the Population & Steets in Hidesaway City, Texas, you've come to the right place. Here you will discover the most important statistics. Hideaway's population is 1.08k people, and the racial composition is White. However, the percentage of people who live below the poverty line varies greatly by race. The median income for households in Hideaway, TX is higher than the average for households in its parent and neighboring regions.

The median property value in Hideaway, TX is $183,700 in 2019. This figure is 0.764 times smaller than the national average. Homeownership is 96.5%. Hideaway's average age is 54. Most residents drive to work, and their commute time is 18.8 minutes. The median number of cars per household is two. Despite its small size, Hideaway has a high percentage of home owners. Hideaway has a high percentage of older people, and the median rent is $1,750 per month.

The average commute time in Hideaway City is 26 minutes. Walking is not a popular method of transportation, so this figure isn't representative of the overall population. However, walking is not the only way to get around Hideaway City. A recent study published by the American Society of Civil Engineers found that only 2% of Hideaway residents walk to work. That's still a long way from walking in the city, but it's better than nothing.