Hewitt, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Hewitt is a town in the state of Texas. Its population is about five thousand, or about one fifth of the population of Texas. It has a small airport named for it. This city is also known for its film industry. The movie Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay was filmed in Hewitt, though it was actually shot in a different place.

If you'd like to visit Hewitt or other nearby towns, this list may be useful. The cities listed below are only 64 miles from Hewitt. They're also useful if you want to book flights between airports or for exploring the town. Here's a breakdown of the population of each city. Hewitt is home to 44% single people. However, the population of the city of Woodway is eighteen percent larger.

The median income in Hewitt is $42,267. This is less than the median income for Texas. However, it's still higher than the national average. For example, there's 17.1% single people living in Hewitt, Texas, while 45% of the population is middle class. With this in mind, there are several things to consider when evaluating this city's affordability.

The population of Hewitt is approximately fourteen hundred people per square mile. This is a lot of people for a city of its size. Hewitt was one of the fastest growing cities in the United States during the 1970s. Since that time, Hewitt's population has grown steadily. According to the most recent data, the town's population was 14,341 as of 2015.