Helotes, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Heloses City? There are various ways to find out the answer. You can check out the population statistics below. Listed below are the most common jobs in Helotes, TX. These positions are listed in order of percent population change. In addition, you can find out what the median household income is in Helotes.

There are approximately 9175 people living in Helotes, Texas. Of these, 47% are men and 53% are women. The average household size is 3.42 and is comprised of two adults and two children. There are also about 6% single seniors living alone in the city. Those living in Helotes have a higher rate of homeownership than the rest of the county.

The population of Helotes is growing by over two percent each year. In the year 1919, there were only 4,565 people living in Helotes. Today, the city has a population of 10,277 people. While the city is still growing, it's only one of several nearby communities. However, the city's growth rate has slowed considerably. The city has seen a 26% increase since 2020.

The percentage of foreign-born residents in Helotes is nine percent. By comparison, Cross Mountain is home to the highest percentage of foreign-born population, 16.5%. Despite the small size, this city is home to some famous people. Helotes' late state senator, Frank L. Madla, was born and raised in Helotes. Despite this, Madla's hometown was destroyed by a fire in 2006.