Hedley, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Hedeley City? Hedley is a city located in the state of Texas. It is approximately half the size of Texas. Here are some facts about this city:

The majority of households in Hedley City are headed by married couples. Compared to other places in Texas, Hedley has the highest percentage of married couples. In contrast, the largest number of single women lives in Hedley. And while Hedley does not have many women over the age of 65, the percentage is significantly higher than the national average. There are about 27% women who are single in Hedley.

The population of Hedley is mainly composed of white-collar workers. In terms of sex, eight percent of the population of Hedley is Hispanic. About 49% of residents in Hedley are high school graduates. Interestingly, 12% of those who enroll in college earn a master's degree or doctoral degree. While the demographics of Hedley City are not entirely accurate, they do indicate that this city has a relatively high rate of education.