Hawley, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and the sates of Hawley City, Pennsylvania, are shown below. The race composition of the city is primarily White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Hispanics and Blacks. The poverty rate is also quite low, at 3.3%. The median gross rent in Hawley is $774 a month. In comparison, the state of Pennsylvania's poverty rate is 7.29%.

The percentage of households with a college education is the highest in Hawley, MN. Those with a bachelor's degree or higher earn more than those with only a high school education. In addition, those with a higher income have the highest percentage of college degrees. However, those with less than a bachelor's degree have the lowest household income. While the city is relatively low in poverty, it does have a high percentage of eviction cases.

The population of Hawley City is mainly white, with a very high percentage of middle aged adults. Its population is predominantly family-oriented with a small number of single-parent households. The percentage of children under 18 is quite high. The city has a lower-than-average vacancy rate. Despite these facts, the population of Hawley City is quite diverse and is home to a large number of residents.