Hamshire, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for Population & Steets in Hamsshire City, you have come to the right place. Here you will find important statistics and facts about this city. These data are collected from the census office and other sources. Listed below are the major attractions of Hamshire City, including its historic buildings, famous landmarks, and the general population. Read on to learn more. And don't forget to share your experiences in Hamsshire City with your friends and family!

The city of Hampshire, Illinois, is located in Kane County and is expected to have a population of 6,089. As of the 2010 census, the population had increased by 9.28%. The average household income in Hamshire is $107,852 and the poverty rate is 3.63%. The median rent in Hampshire is $1,117 a month, and the median house value is $217,000 in Hamshire City. The median age in Hamshire is 36.5 years for females and 36.7 years for males.

In 1523, Southampton had more than a hundred thousand inhabitants. In 1523, it was the capital of the ancient kingdom of Wessex. The city's name was derived from the Saxon "hamwic" which means "fortunscir." The name was given to the town after the Saxons incorporated the area into the kingdom. The ancient Saxons called the area Hamwic, and it may have been a strategic location that gave the county its name.