Gun Barrel City, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There is a good chance that you've seen the headlines about Gun Barrel City, Texas, and been curious about the town itself. With less than 48 residents, Gun Barrel City is arguably the whitest city in the state. However, that doesn't mean it's the most racially segregated place in America. With a population of 89 percent white, Gun Barrel City may be the most white town in Texas.

In 2019 the median age of Gun Barrel City, TX residents was 44, making the median income for this town $43,839. While the national poverty level was 12.3%, the Texas median household income was 14.5% lower. The most prevalent demographic of low income in Gun Barrel City, TX was females 65 and older, followed by whites 18 to 24 and 35-44.

The majority of residents in Gun Barrel City, TX own a vehicle, although their actual number is much higher. According to the United States Census Bureau, households own an average of two cars, the false highest proportion of which is three. More than 77% of Gun Barrel City residents have health insurance coverage. This is a good sign that the local economy is thriving.