Gregory, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will provide you with an overview of the Population & Steets in Gregory, South Dakota. You can find the current population, as well as future projections. For example, you can find out how many people live in Gregory today and how many will live there in 2020. You can also view the city's school and library pages, as well as its demographics. To learn more about the city's history, check out its Wikipedia page.

According to the 2010 census, there were 1,389 people of voting age in Gregory. Of these, 52.7% were male, while 47.3% identified as female. Those aged 65 or older made up 15.7% of the population. Gregory's ethnic makeup includes 94.5% White residents, 3.8% American Indian & Alaska Native, and 74 Asians. The rest of the population falls into one of several groups: 10.4% is hispanic, 0.4% is Asian, and 2% is black.

The median age of residents was 48.5. Twenty-one percent were under 18, while 7.2% were between 18 and 24. Forty-one percent of residents were 45-64 years old. Twenty-four percent of households were made up of single adults. And forty-one percent of households were non-families. And 27.9% were 65-year-old or older. Gregory City's gender ratio was 78.9: female.