Garciasville, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

It's not always easy to figure out the Population & Steets of a city. The table below compares crime rates in several cities of similar size and population. You'll see that the city's murder rate is lower than the average of surrounding cities. As for crime levels in Garciasville, they're about as safe as the state average. And compared to other cities of comparable size, it's actually safer than the national average.

The zip code 78547 is part of the Starr County area. It's located near the intersection of Farm Road 1430 and Old Military Highway. It has a population of about 20,000. The city has a median household income of $18,813, and is significantly lower than the national average. However, it's higher than the average for the Rio Grande City-Roma region. And its median home value is a whopping $100,000.

When looking at the murder crime rate per resident, it may appear that the area is not as dangerous as it appears on the map. In fact, many crimes are committed in retail areas where fewer people are present. So, the "red" areas on the map don't necessarily indicate any danger for residents of Garciasville. Moreover, this map may not be completely accurate if the neighborhood where the crime occurs is located.