Ft Bliss, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Fort Bliss, Texas, there are 11,427 people of all races and ethnicities. Of these, 13.4% identify as Black or African American, while 24.9% are Hispanic or Latino. There are also 0.2% of Pacific Islanders and American Indian or Alaska Native residents. The majority, however, is white; the rest are Hispanic or Latino. Additionally, 9.9% of Fort Bliss' residents identify as two or more races.

Fort Bliss is home to over 3,000 family housing units, separated into seventeen distinct neighborhoods. These homes have been renovated recently, while older ones are being demolished. The city also has 33 covered playgrounds. The population of Fort Bliss is spread out according to rank. There are many amenities and places to visit in the area, such as the Fort Bliss Main Post.

Fort Bliss has a rich history that spans the United States, Mexico, and indigenous populations. Before the outbreak of World War II, the city was a post for infantry and cavalry soldiers. It was later converted into an anti-aircraft artillery training center, and became an Air Defense Artillery Center. It is a major military base, supporting all branches of the armed forces.

The Fort is also home to several schools, including eight elementary schools and one high school. These schools are located near the Fort's housing areas, and there is a school locator available for families. There are also ten school districts off-post, including El Paso, which is home to the largest military population in the country. The El Paso school district is the largest of them all, with the most military students.