Fort Stockton, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the population and steets of Fort Stockton City? The city is located in Texas. It has a decreasing citizenship rate and is home to a high number of military personnel. There are three different ethnic groups in the city. The first group is Hispanic. The second group is White and the third is Other. The population is mostly employed in service-related jobs.

The USPS gives Fort Stockton a default ZIP Code name. It is called D (Default) by default. The USPS designates a default name for each ZIP Code. Below, you will find the population of Fort Stockton in 2010 and 2020, street name, and ZIP code. The population of Fort Stockton is also shown in the city's phone number. You can also view the map of Fort Stockton by clicking on the link.

The city's median income is $49,271 per year, which is significantly lower than the national average. The lowest income bracket is false, and the highest percentage of residents is low-income. This means the population is more likely to face financial difficulties. Since the average cost of living is 7% higher than the national average, the city is particularly hard-hit by the high unemployment rate.

In addition to the city's median income, the median number of residents with a bachelor's degree is 71.9%. However, compared to the national average, Fort Stockton has a lower than average percentage of adults with a bachelor's degree. The city's employment rate is 0.1% lower than the national average, but this decrease in income has a significant effect on its overall economy.