Fort Davis, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering about the population & steets in Fort Davis City. These statistics will give you some insight into the city's racial makeup. While it's not the most accurate representation of the whole city, they will show you a snapshot of the racial makeup. Below, you'll find the diversity score for Fort Davis, along with a map that shows race representation. Green areas are more diverse, and red areas are less so. In Fort Davis, diversity means having a mix of races living close together. If it were all white, that would be considered lacking in diversity.

The census also shows that Fort Davis is a relatively stable city with a steady growth rate. In fact, Fort Davis has been home to the oldest settlement in Texas, and there are about a dozen historical sites to explore. Fort Davis has a semi-arid climate, with cool winters and hot summers. Its average temperature is about twelve degrees Fahrenheit and two6.4 degrees Fahrenheit. The median home value in Fort Davis is $148,500. Home appreciation in Fort Davis is 5.1% in the last decade.

Crime rates in Fort Davis are low, and are generally lower than those in surrounding cities. In Fort Davis City, crimes per capita are low compared to the national average. Fort Davis City's crime rate is slightly higher in areas close to parks and recreational facilities. Of course, crime happens where people congregate. And because crime rates are higher in areas where people congregate, crime rates may seem higher.