Fate, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Fate is 8,414 people, with a median household income of $91,788. The city's poverty rate stands at 3.48%. The median age is 34.6 years, and there are many people of mixed racial groups living below the poverty line. Below are the details about the racial makeup of Fate City. This data is based on the most recent census, and is updated regularly.

While this may seem like a daunting problem, it is one that is not without its perks. Fate's municipal government needs to approve the development to pay salaries and keep the lights on, but they also need to raise public support for the plan. By pushing unproductive development, they risk losing the public's support and thus their jobs. In this vein, the population of Fate City will need to be monitored.

While Fate's growth will continue to be difficult, its resilience will serve it well in the long run. There is no clear-cut path to success for this town. Ultimately, Fate can serve as a blueprint for resilient growth. Just like Texas, it will not follow the same path that other cities have taken. That's good news for Texas and any other area that has been hit by economic disaster.

The median age of the population of Fate, TX is 34.3 years. This is higher than the national median age of 65,712 and a half year old for foreign-born residents. This makes Fate, TX one of the oldest cities in the United States. In addition, it has a high percentage of native-born citizens compared to its neighboring and parent geographies. Its median property value is about equal to that of the nation's median income.