Fabens, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The livability score is the overall measure of a city's livability. Fabens is well above average, compared to other Suburban cities in the U.S. It is calculated by taking a look at many factors, including crime, cost of living, education, and general happiness. This city offers a higher livability score than most, making it a great choice for people who are looking to move to the area.

The median household income in Fabens is $28,397, which is lower than the state average of $65,712. The city's median household income has increased by 6.79% over the past year, compared to an average growth of 2.8% nationwide. The city has a high proportion of Hispanic residents, with 22.77% of the population being of that race. It is one of the fastest growing cities in Texas, with an estimated 20,000 residents by 2020.

The median household income in Fabens was $28,397 in 2019. The city's ethnic composition is composed of five races, and 97.9% of Fabens residents are Hispanic. Hispanics may be of any race, but they are considered to be a majority in most neighborhoods. As a result, racial diversity scores are key economic indicators for this community.

In Fabens, there are several neighborhoods. A suburb map can be helpful for finding the catchment area for a business, job search, or relocation. You can also use a map of the Fabens city area for travel purposes. And, of course, it's a great place for residents to visit. Its location makes it a great choice for anyone looking to relocate or start a new business.