Benbrook, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Benbrook, TX, is located in the state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, 98.4% of the population of Benbrook, TX is US citizens. This percentage is higher than the national average of 64.1% and is also higher than most of its neighboring geographies. Most people living in poverty in Benbrook, TX are White, followed by Black people, and Hispanics.

The median property value in Benbrook, TX is $182,600, which is 0.759 times less than the national average. The median property value in Benbrook is up 8.24% from last year to 2019! The median household income in Benbrook is $89,368. There is a 5.33% poverty rate in Benbrook, TX. The median price of a house in Benbrook is $199,300, and the median rent is $1,085 a month. The median age in Benbrook, TX is 39.3 years old, and males are slightly older, at 39.9 years than females.