Beckville, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information provides details on the Population & Steets in the city of Beckville, Texas. The most recent census data is from 2016. The most recent available data is from 2016 and shows 110 renter-occupied housing units. This city has two evictions, with one in 2016 being a result of non-payment of rent. This high number of evictions may reflect the overall deterioration of the local economy.

In 2018, the median age for residents of Beckville, TX was 34.2. This is the same as that for all of Texas. The median age was higher among foreign-born residents, at 58.8. The median home price was $107,100. There were two cars per household. The median household income in Beckville, TX was $26,500. The city is home to nineteen public schools.

As of the most recent census, the population of Beckville is 966. The median household income in Beckville is $37,917. In addition, the city has an 18.3% Hispanic population. However, despite its low population, it is home to a number of local businesses and organizations. The population of Beckville is a great indicator of its economic state. There are plenty of ways to find out more about this city. The following are just a few ways to get started.

Beeville, Texas is one of the oldest communities in the state. Its settlement dates back to the 1830s and was settled by the Burke, Carroll, and Heffernan families. The city grew significantly during the 1900s thanks to the oil boom. In the late 1800s, it was home to the Beeville Naval Air Station. The station trained Navy airplane pilots, and it reopened as Naval Air Station Chase Field in 1952. The station continued to operate until 1992.