Aquilla, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to move to Aquilla City, you may want to start by learning about the city's population and steets. Aquilla City has a total population of 6,476 people, but there's still a lot of untapped potential. Read on to learn more about this charming city. Listed below are the current Population & Steets statistics.

The median household income in Aquilla City is $39,500, and the average household income is $43,750. The percentage of households making below the poverty line was 5.8%, while no one under 18 lived in the area. The Aquilla Independent School District serves the population of Aquilla, TX. It is located in the south-central part of Texas. For more information about the community's demographics, check out the official city website.

The city's census statistics include group quarters. For example, the Whitney Division in Hill County includes residents of nursing homes, college residence halls, correctional facilities, and military barracks. If you're planning to visit Aquilla City, check out the population and steets of nearby cities. These data can help you decide if this is the right place to live.

Aquilla is in Texas and is located in Hill County. The ZIP code for Aquilla is 76622 and is officially known as Aquilla, TX. Aquilla's population is classified as Lower Middle Class and there are a variety of neighborhoods and schools within the city limits. Once you know what address you're searching for, you'll be able to find out the zip code for your desired address. Use the Quick Select feature to locate the ZIP code for a specific address.