Whitleyville, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in learning about the Population & Steets in Whitleville City, Tennessee? If so, you have come to the right place. Read on for useful information. Listed below are some stats on Whitleyville, Tennessee. Read on to discover the latest statistics on the city's gender ratio. The chart below shows the percentage of male and female residents of Whitleyville, Tennessee.

In Whitleyville, TN, there are 4,466 households. Of these, 3,165 are families. The breakdown of these households is as follows: single-family detached families (nearly half); households with only one person living in the household (one householder); households with two adults; and households with three or fewer people. The remainder is comprised of one-person households (there are approximately 1,325 of these).

The median age for residents of Whitleyville City is 47 years old. Among men, women are equally likely to be college-educated. Those with more than high school education are more likely to be employed. Education, along with other factors, is a vital part of the city's economy. In fact, a city's growth will depend on the education level of its residents.

In addition to high school education, the percentage of high school graduates in Whitleyville is low. Only 8% of the population in Whitleyville City has a college degree. This is because a high school education is considered mandatory for many jobs in Whitleyville. This data is updated every year when new information becomes available. However, the statistics cannot be deemed 100% accurate. For that reason, we recommend requesting official sources of census data for accurate and complete information on the city.