Whiteside, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For a general idea of the population and the steets in Whiteside City, Ill., you can review the Whiteside County, IL, housing costs report. Whiteside County is home to approximately 56k people with a median age of 43.4. There are approximately 23,548 households in the county, with an average household size of 2.40 people. The median household income in Whiteside County is $54,232 per month, which means that 0% of households speak a language other than English at home.

The city's population was comprised of approximately 6,234 people. Twenty-nine percent of its population was under the age of 18, and the rest were either married or single. Thirteen percent of households were non-families. Thirty-one percent were individual households, while the rest of the population consisted of households headed by a single person. The median age in the city was 36 years, and males outnumbered females by ninety-one percent. The population's average household size was two and a half people, with two or three people living in a single unit.