Tazewell, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Tazewell, TN, you'll find a variety of different demographics. As a city, Tazewell has a population of 2,293 people. Its median household income is $26,786. You'll also find that the city has a very low poverty rate, indicating that most residents are above average. But what is the quality of life like in Tazewell? Here's some information to help you decide whether or not to make Tazewell your new home.

One of the things that makes a city livable is its housing. Tazewell has a high percentage of renter-occupied housing units, so this statistic is helpful in evaluating the affordability of housing. Tazewell's rent burden is higher than the state's average (30.3%), and neighboring cities Sneedville and Norris have even higher rent burdens. Despite this high rent burden, almost half of the housing units in Tazewell are occupied by renters.

While the region as a whole has seen a high rate of population growth, Tazewell City's population is older. Just over half of the housing units in the city were built before 1960. Similarly, the Tri-County region had a high rate of home construction between 1960 and 1980, but lost it substantially between 2000 and 2012.

According to the US Census, less than 10 people in the town of Tazewell City have moved from another country in the last decade. The percentage of people with foreign citizenship is significantly below the state average. While the city has a low vacancy rate, there are several nursing homes nearby. Therefore, there are many opportunities to find affordable housing in Tazewell City. The city has a variety of housing types.