Pruden, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know more about Pruden City, Tennessee? If so, you may want to check out this city's population and steets data. This information is useful if you are planning to visit the area or if you are curious about how the city's residents live. If you want to learn more about the surrounding area, you can visit the towns near Pruden, TN.

The population of Pruden City is diverse and young people comprise 17.6% of the population. People aged 18 to 24 were the second largest group, followed by people aged 25 to 44. The population was 45-64 years old, and those aged 65 and over accounted for 29.8% of the overall population. The median age was 52 years old, and males outnumbered females in the area, with 84.1 males for every 100 females.