New Tazewell, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering moving to New Tazewell, Tennessee, you might want to know the population and steets of the area. The following table shows the current population of the area, and the change over the next decade. You can find out more by reading the article below. Also, be sure to check out the latest real estate listings in New Tazewell. You'll be glad you did!

The city has a diverse population. Twenty-four percent of the population was under the age of 18, while 8.7% of residents were between the ages of 18-24. Another twenty-five percent were 25-44 and 23.3% were 45-64. Another sixteen percent were 65 years old or older. The median age in New Tazewell was 37 years old, with eighty-two female residents.

The population density in New Tazewell City is 62%, compared to 65% in Middlesborough. The population density is based on the number of people per square mile. The population density of New Tazewell is about average for the area. Middlesborough and Harrogate both have higher population density than New Tazewell. While it's important to note that the two cities are not equal, the difference in average size of households between the two is noticeable.

In terms of racial composition, 82.7% of New Tazewell residents are white, while 13.0% are black or Native American. Only Rutledge and Tazewell have a larger proportion of people aged sixty-nine or older. The percentage of Hispanics living in New Tazewell is 0.38% lower than in the rest of Tennessee. The ratio of males to females is slightly larger than the national average.