Jacks Creek, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Jacks Creek population is 586, with 49% of residents being male and 51% female. There are also many families and couple households. The average household size is 4.04 people and the median age is 15. The median household income is $32,563, while the average individual income is $30,754. Jacks Creek residents are a diverse group, and most are educated. Approximately 79% of the residents have a high school diploma or equivalent.

The age distribution was fairly typical for a small city. Twenty-seven percent of residents were younger than five, whereas twenty-four percent were between the ages of five and eighteen. Twenty-five percent of the population was between the ages of 25 and 44, and 21.0% were 65 years or older. Males outnumbered females by 89.9%. Over fifty-two percent of residents were educated.

The race makeup of the city is diverse. Seventy-two percent are white, seventeen percent are black, and three percent are Hispanic or Latino. The percentage of foreign-born citizens is significantly lower than the state average. The average household size is two and a half people. There are also a few families that are made up of one or two people, and there are many single people.