Farragut, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What do you know about Farragut City, TN? You may be surprised to know that the city has a higher education rate than the national average. Approximately 16% of residents aged 25 and older have at least a bachelor's degree. Find out more about the demographic makeup of Farragut City by exploring this page. It includes statistics on the race and ethnicity of the city.

Most people in Farragut work in the service industry. Another 31% are employed in blue-collar jobs. The rest work in white-collar positions. The average commute time is 24 minutes. This city has very good schools, with average test scores of 81%. While there are no public transportation stations in the area, a few residents commute by foot. Whether you choose to live in Farragut or commute from another city, it is important to know the facts about the area.

The median home value in Farragut was $370,400 in 2019, which is 1.54 times higher than the national average. In addition, the city had a higher homeownership rate than the national average at 88.7%. Farragut had an 80% black population by 1972. In addition to being racially diverse, the city had changed its eligibility guidelines for housing the indigent population. By 1972, Farragut's school district decided to make Farragut City's homes affordable for the poor. The city changed the guidelines for housing the poor by increasing the amount of income required and requiring residents to work.

In Farragut, the median income is $24,000. The median age is 24.1 years. There are more white residents than black, with a higher median income. The median home value is $183,000, which is higher than the median income of the Farragut city. The median household income is $28,880. With a median household income of $24,500, Farragut is a great place to raise a family.