Cottontown, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What do you know about Cottontown City? Read on to learn about its population and steets. You may also be interested in crime statistics or the cost of living. While we aren't sure of the specifics of Cottontown City's history, you can at least know how many people live in a neighborhood. We've listed the top five factors to look for in a census.

The population of Cottontown is 439, with a median household income of $61,250. The median age is 59.3 years, with a ratio of 1.1 to 1. There are approximately 67.2% white residents living in Cottontown. The median household size is 2.71. The median house value is $263,400. This is the average income per household in Cottontown. If you're looking for a house to rent in Cottontown, the median age is 59.3 years for men and 59.6 years for women.