Chestnut Mound, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Chestnut Mound City, Tennessee is approximately 5,870 people. It is located in Smith County, which borders DeKalb County, Putnam County, Trousdale, Wilson County, Missouri. Approximately 0 percent of the population is a single-parent family. About 0% of residents are graduates of college or graduate school. The most common housing types in Chestnut Mound, TN are Single Family Homes and Condominiums.

A simple crime map shows the number of crimes per thousand residents in Chestnut Mound. This crime map compares Chestnut Mound to cities in the surrounding areas. It also shows which neighborhoods have higher property crime rates. Crime Maps also show which types of crimes occur most frequently in the city. Chestnut Mound is less safe than other similar-sized cities. The state and national averages are similar.

You can also search for nearby towns. There are many options when it comes to flying in and out of Chestnut Mound. The big cities will usually have a major airport. This way, you can avoid paying high airfare and still make the most of your vacation. For more convenience, search for cities that are about 55 miles away. Alternatively, you can use a search engine to find a city that's within 100 miles of Chestnut Mound, TN.

The most common racial groups in Mound City are White (non-Hispanic), Black or African American, and Native American. The majority of people in Mound City, MO drive alone to work, while about 10% carpool to work. This indicates that the majority of the population - 66.5% - lives within a reasonable distance from their place of employment.