Sisseton, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Sisseton City, Minnesota population is made up of roughly 3,500 people. The majority of Sisseton's citizens are white, with 12.3% of residents identifying as black or American Indian. The rest are either Hispanic, Asian, or Native Hawaiian. Sisseton City also has a low crime rate, with only 0.2% of residents reporting being a member of the AAPI or Latino.

Sisseton has a C5 Census Class Code, which indicates that it is an incorporated place and is equivalent to a county subdivision. Sisseton has a Functional Status Code of "A," which indicates that the city has a government that provides primary general-purpose functions. This includes prisons, nursing homes, and college residents halls. In addition, the city is home to several correctional facilities, which may be a sign of a dangerous community.

Another way to locate Sisseton is to do a search for flights from nearby cities. Most cities have airports that are within four hours' drive of Sisseton City, SD. This may be useful if you are traveling long distances or want to get a general sense of the surrounding area. There are also plenty of smaller towns and cities that are close to Sisseton, including the small town of Jacksonville, SD.

The population of Sisseton, SD was estimated at 4,500 people as of the 2010 Census. Of these people, 38.9% of the population was younger than 18 years, 16.9% was between 25 and 44 years old, and 17.4% was 65 or older. The population of Sisseton City was primarily composed of males. Males outnumbered females by 88.8 to one.