Grenville, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know more about the population of Grenville City, you should learn about its stats. This page contains the latest data on the population of Grenville City, including its median age, household income, and home values. It also contains information about how many households are owned, rented, or vacant. The graphs below show the breakdown of population by age group and neighbourhood. You can find the exact location of the population center in Grenville City by using our interactive map.

The city proper of Greenville, South Carolina, is small in comparison to the rest of the metropolitan area. The 2020 United States Census recorded a population of 70720, including 32250 households and 15,431 families. There are also a large number of suburbs around the city. The city's population has a history dating back to the 18th century. In fact, Greenville's population is smaller than many other cities in the United States.

The county is changing, and the Greenville School Board, in a show of defiance, defied the racist White Citizens' Council and segregationist Governor Paul T. Johnson and the city's White Citizens' Council. The school board submitted their own freedom of choice plan to the U.S. Department of Education. As a result, Greenville has never been the same. This article outlines the current demographics of the city.