Dante, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What do you want to know about the Population & Steets in Dante City, Virginia? You've come to the right place. Here's a look at the most common stats, as well as other information about the area. In Dante, VA, most households pay property taxes, which is about $800 per year on average. The median household income is $36,000, which is higher than the national average, but much lower than neighboring and parent geographies.

Dante, VA is home to about 557 people. Of those, 489 are White (non-Hispanic) and 68 are Black or African American. It's worth noting that the median property value is N/A, and that 86.9% of residents own their homes. There are two primary industries, one of which is the retail trade industry, and another that's related to health care.

In the 2013 elections, Dante de Blasio, a 16-year-old, was the star candidate. But the results of the 2010 Census show that only a handful of young New Yorkers are black or non-Hispanic. Moreover, the city has a lower proportion of blacks and whites than the nation as a whole. And the same holds true for Dante.