Bullhead, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the population of Bullhead City is about three-fourths Hispanic? It is the 2nd largest city of this racial group. The population of men is smaller than that of women in Bullhead City. Men live longer than women. This fact is reflected in the median age for men. This is reflected in the figures below. The following table shows the percentage of males versus females in Bullhead City.

There are fewer than ten people of black ethnicity living in Bullhead City. However, the city is home to a large number of foreign nationals, who mainly come to the desert to get away from harsh winters. The city also has a community college, a full-service hospital, and an international airport. In addition to its diverse population, Bullhead City is also the retail and entertainment center for the tri-state area.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the median age for Bullhead City was 51.9 in 2019. Of those people, 94.9% were non-citizens. The city is home to the highest percentage of non-citizens. In addition, the city also ranks #4 for its percentage of foreign-born residents. The median age of its non-citizen population is 51 years old, compared to the United States average of 39.6%.

The median property value of a home in Bullhead City, AZ was $140,300 in 2019. That's a modest increase over the past year, but it still remains below the national average of 64.1%. The median household size of Bullhead City, AZ is $24,300, which is the same as the national average. Almost 91% of the population has health insurance, including Medicare, employee coverage, and Medicaid. Additionally, 14.3% have non-group insurance coverage, and only 2.2% have military or VA health coverage.