Bradley, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Bradley, Illinois: Did you know that the city is home to the oldest cemetery in the United States? The median gross monthly rent in Bradley is $1,043, and 82.7% of households in Bradley have access to broadband internet. This fact makes Bradley one of the wealthiest towns in the United States. If you're planning to move to this area, here are some facts about the city.

The current population of Bradley, Illinois is 15,314 people, making it the 2,268th largest city in the United States. It is located in Kankakee County, Illinois, and covers an area of 7.2 square miles. In 2010, Bradley's population peaked at 15,895 people, making it the 2,091st largest city in the U.S. At that time, it was nearly 14% smaller than it is today.