West Columbia, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out the population and steets of West Columbia City, SC, here are some basic statistics. West Columbia is a college town located in central South Carolina. The most comfortable months are October, May and April. July has the worst weather. West Columbia has 1,818 businesses. There are more than 56,000 residents. For more details, visit the city's website.

The City has a convenience store and gas station. The only industrial property is owned by the Port of St. Helens, and there is a deep-water dock along the Columbia River. The city is served by the Columbia River Highway and the Western Pacific Railroad. Residents have access to the Columbia City Elementary School, which offers classes from kindergarten through sixth grade. There are 737 single-family dwellings and 53 manufactured homes in the city.

The city is part of the greater Columbia, SC metropolitan area. The Columbia metropolitan area contains fourteen counties, including Lexington and Richland. The Columbia metropolitan area has a population of 847,397. It is the second-largest city in South Carolina and the 69th-largest metropolitan area in the United States. Its area is 6.99 square miles. The city is a suburb of Columbia, SC.

The median property value in West Columbia, SC is $142,800. This is 0.594 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate in West Columbia, SC is 54.5%, lower than the national average of 64.1%. People in West Columbia, SC drive to work on average 17.6 minutes per day. Most people commute to work alone. The median household income in West Columbia, SC is $45,082 - 3.42% lower than the national average.