Ravenel, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The latest survey by the City of Charleston reveals the population & steets in Ravenel. However, there is a catch: residents of Ravenel don't want to expand their small streets to accommodate more traffic. The current plan is to add more turning lanes. Currently, residents of Ravenel spend about 45 minutes or an hour commuting to work. This is much longer than average commute times in the United States.

While looking at Ravenel's population and steets, consider the quality of the neighborhood. While the houses may look identical, they shouldn't be. Moreover, each house should have at least one parking space. Some houses don't have garages, which could indicate a less desirable neighborhood. Also, consider the general maintenance level of the neighborhood. Are neighbors friendly and hospitable?

The town hall of Ravenel offers a cadastral service. Customers can obtain a cadastral plot and map for free. Contact information for the town hall can be found above. You can also access the cadastral map for free online by entering your address and specifying the address. If you need to find out more, you can find the cadastral plot in the Oise department.

The average family size in Ravenel City is 3.0. This is in the middle range compared to the other cities and towns in the area. However, North Charleston is a higher population density than Ravenel. The city also has a low crime rate. In addition, Ravenel residents are relatively friendly. They tend to share a home with a neighbor. This community may not have many people, but it is still a nice place to raise a family.