Olanta, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics show the population and steets of Olanta, SC. Olanta, SC has a total population of 527 people, with a median age of 44.1. The median household income is $30,625, a 2.37% increase from the previous year. The median home value is $103,400, and 77.9% of Olanta residents are homeowners. Residents of Olanta, SC commute by car, with an average commute time of 28.7 minutes. 0% of the population is hispanic.

In 2019, 85.4% of the Olanta population drove alone to work, 13.4% carpooled, and 1.27% took public transportation to work. This chart shows the proportion of households that used each mode of transportation over time, with a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to show variations in smaller means of transportation. For example, the chart below shows how the households in Olanta, SC are distributed by the number of cars they own. The highest percentage of households had one car, while the lowest percent of households owned more than two cars.

The income level of the residents of Olanta, SC is lower than the average for the state. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, white people earn $43,921 per year, compared with black people who earn $43,921. South Carolina's income inequality is a 0.73% lower than the national average. In Olanta, SC, the largest industries are Health Care & Social Assistance and Retail Trade. These industries pay the most, with Public Administration (53%) and Other Services Except Public Administration (48,571).