Inman, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will provide you with a basic overview of the population and steets in Inman City, Alabama. This area is home to a diverse group of people from a variety of backgrounds. The majority of residents speak English at home. However, Spanish, Italian, and other languages are also spoken by some residents. Overall, the area is quite affordable. Inman City residents have an average income of $38,266 per year.

While Inman used to resemble the fictional town of Mayberry from "The Andy Griffith Show," it is not the same town today. Darrell Sherbert, owner of the Law Dogs restaurant in Inman, is happy to see the city grow. He grew up in the town, riding bikes through the streets and working on peach farms. Darrell is proud to see the city grow and flourish.

Inman, South Carolina has a population of 2,225 as of 2014. The city covers an area of 2.3 square miles (0.9 square miles). According to the most recent US Census, the population is now estimated at 2,378. The non-citizen population includes legal and illegal immigrants, temporary residents, international students, and humanitarian migrants. Inman has a median income of $48,237 and a median home value of $132,962.

Inman City's median family and household income are both significantly above the national average. The median income for men is $37177, while the median income for women is $30399, making Inman City a very affordable place to live. The median age is 38 years, and there are a small number of singles. The city has a slightly higher than average number of families, but there are also a substantial number of senior citizens living alone. The ratio of men to women is 79.4.