Folly Beach, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for Folly Beach, SC population and statistics, you have come to the right place. Below you will find the latest statistics about Folly Beach, SC. We have the latest numbers for Folly Beach, SC, and we have also included a few demographic statistics for you to peruse. Folly Beach is home to 2,715 residents and the median household income is $90,149. For more information on Folly Beach city, see the tables below.

Folly Beach is a city in South Carolina with a population of approximately 2.66k. Folly Beach is 100% American and has a population density of 2,664. The city has a higher than average number of residents, but is much less populated than other nearby cities. James Island, SC has a higher population density than Folly Beach. The median property value in Folly Beach is $569,900, which is 2.37 times the national average.

The population of Folly Beach is made up of a variety of generations. This is useful for employment research and determining areas that have high percentages of retirees. The city has a middle-aged population with a relatively low percentage of people under the age of 20. Folly Beach ranks third in the metro area for the percentage of people between twenty and thirty-four years old. Charleston and James Island have much higher proportions of twenty and thirty-somethings.

Folly Beach is located on the Atlantic Ocean and is often affected by hurricanes and tropical storms. Hurricane Hugo in 1989 destroyed up to 80 percent of the Folly Beach settlement. The beach itself is six miles long and a popular place to watch live music performances. Folly Beach also has several historical sites to explore. The Folly Pier is closed for repairs until spring 2023. If you're looking for a relaxed place to spend your weekend, Folly Beach is the place for you!